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Education | Consultancy | Training

Acute Deteriorating Patient Seminar

Acute Deteriorating Patient Seminar

The ECT4Health Acute Deteriorating Patient Seminar is a two day program which overviews the assessment and management of patients with a range of presentations that represent acute deterioration. Throughout the Acute Deteriorating Patient Seminar we discuss physiology, assessment and management of patients with surgical and medical problems.  

It is inevitable that we care for people who deteriorate, nurses need to be a step ahead and recognise the subtle signs of deterioration.  

This course seminar is jam packed full of so much that you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it earlier!

Course Content 

  • Physiology overview - cells, oxygen and respiration
  • Hypoxia and Respiratory Failure
  • Cardiac Anatomy and physiology refresher
  • Rhythm interpretation of a cardiac monitored patient
  • Assessing chest pain
  • Patient assessment – in trauma
  • Assessing sick children
  • Shock and the different types, and management
  • Altered Levels of Conscious, GCS, Hypoglycaemia
  • Fitting, fevers and dehydration in children


Day One


Introduction – house keeping


Cell Energy Overview – The cell, oxygen and ATP

Morning Tea


Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology – Understanding output


Electrophysiology and understanding the PQRST



Rhythm Interpretation - Practical Walk through


Causes and Risks of Heart disease.



8 Places

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