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Education | Consultancy | Training

Diabetic Nursing Refresher Seminar

Diabetic Nursing Refresher Seminar

Diabetes is a waking giant in the medical landscape of Australians.  With more than 5% of the population diagnosed with one of the many forms of diabetes, it is inevitable that every nurse will be or have been, recently caring for a diabetic patient.  With many advances in both our understanding and management of this syndrome, nurses may be daunted with keeping up to date.

Our Diabetes Nursing refresher program is a one-day journey through the science and pathophysiology of the condition, its diagnosis, assessment, and management of the types of diabetes.

Strong links to cardiovascular disease, and obesity makes this family of diseases an area that contemporary nurses, need to be current in.

Course Content 

  • Monitoring Devices & Injection Technique
  • Diabetic Emergencies
  • Multidisciplinary Support
  • Microvascular Complications/Monitoring and much more….
17 Places

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