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Education | Consultancy | Training

Rusty Pills 1 Seminar - Applied Pharmacology Refresher

Rusty Pills 1 Seminar - Applied Pharmacology Refresher

Our Rusty Pills Seminar – Applied Pharmacology Refresher is a two day seminar that walks through physiology and pharmacology of common patient presentations.  Are you a paramedic, nurse or nursing student who never has time to wade through the text books to find out what that drug or this drug is. Doing a pill round can be daunting given the fact that you are expected to understand the drugs that you are giving.

Sometimes patients arrive with a bag of pills or an ice cream container of medications from which you need to record in their medical history. Are you in the Mims online website more than your patient's bedside?

We look at all the rock stars and debunk a few myths along the way. At the end of this seminar you will be bursting at the seems to share what you learned with your colleagues, and be ready to do that drug inservice at work, that you know deep down inside, you should do.

Its time you refreshed those good old pharmacology concepts, and take your clinical game to the next level.

So ask yourself…  Can my medication knowledge and skills be improved upon?

Course Content


  • Understanding concepts like half life, bioavailability and the metabolism of certain drugs
  • Respiratory disease drug therapy, steriods, SABA/LABAs and the newer COPD/Asthma drugs
  • Cardiac and hypertension drugs – know your ACE inhibitors from your Angiotensin II blockers and more
  • Coagulation and the drugs that are used to alter it – Heparin/Warfarin and the newer anticoagulants
  • Antiplatelet agents like Aspirin and the role they play
  • Antibiotics vs antiviral drugs – understand how they differ
  • Renal and hepatic failure drugs
  • Drug legislation and nurses
  • The scheduling process of medication in Australia and so much more
20 Places

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