The ECT4Health Rhythm Interpretation is a three part mini-series which covers the anatomy and physiology of the heart and cardiac conduction, then explores monitor rhythms with this mini-series taken from our popular Cardiac Seminar (also available online).
By the end of this mini-series you will nail interpretation of all the rhythms and add a new superpower to your Healthcare Hero arsenal.
This seminar is ideal for all nurses and paramedicas (including students) who monitor patients.
The Rhythm Interpretation online education series has a solid 4.5 CPD delivered in 3 x 1.5 hour video sessions using the platform ZOOM.
Self-paced learning in the comfort of your own home!
Session 1 | Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology – Understanding output |
Session 2 | Electrophysiology and understanding the PQRST |
Session 3 | Rhythm Interpretation - Practical Walk through |