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Education | Consultancy | Training

CPD Education

Discover all the ways you can further your learning with ECT4 Health, including seminars, workshops, online education, CPD holidays, team training and more.

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The ECT4Health Rhythm Interpretation online education series covers the anatomy and physiology of the heart and cardiac conduction, then explores monitor rhythms and interpretation. 

The ECT4Health Rusty Pills 1 online education series is designed to assist paramedics and nurses with their knowledge of common medications in their practice.  We work with patients with many co-morbidities and the ever increasing incidence of polypharmacy is a common issue.

Rusty Pills 2 – “Still Rusty”  is a sequel refresher course that looks at the safety and risk management of medication.  We cover the APINCH high risk drugs, and dive into the GI system with medications from one end of the GIT to the other.

The ECT4Health Suturing for Health Professionals workshop is ideal for nurses, doctors and students wishing to learn or refresh the suturing techniques for closure of lacerations. 

The ECT4Health Trauma Fundamentals Seminar is a two-day course with a comprehensive coverage of physiology, assessment and management of the patient presenting with trauma.

The ECT4Health newest Emergency Nursing refresher for those working in rural or remote areas is an eclectic mix of emergency presentations from mass triage, to initial trauma and shock/haemorrhage assessment and management, to cardiac related chest pain, respiratory emergencies and diabetic emergencies.

The ECT4Health Wound Care online education takes nurses through the physiology of wound healing, the discourse of chronic indolent wounds, wound assessment, wound healing and dressing selection.

The ECT4Health Wound Care Seminar is a one-day program that takes nurses through the physiology of wound healing, the discourse of chronic indolent wounds, wound assessment,  medication and dressing selection.